Thursday, June 23, 2011

all about love !!

love ! wot is this whole love thing u ever realize ? wot is it falling in love ? its sound interesting  an trust me its not just an interesting but also awesome u cnt realize wot u get out of it its beyond everything wot we think of! it just feeling it its just like fragrance of soil after the 1st rain  its so wonderful exprience u can live with it for ur whole life remembering it . its a killer man !!!!

guys trust ur self and fall in love once at least its magical !!!

Caution if ur sure wot ur going to do is wot u really want!

I woked up bit early!

Hi, this dharmendra rawal people call me as dharam too . i dnt know where did i got the idea to create my  own blog at this time of the nite its around 4 am in morning !!! i thought writing any thing else i should introduce myself
before so here it goes ...... I aM dHrAm 25 years young man with lot of expectation with life to achive something which i m bit confused certian times though but i m sure ill figure out some day for sure. and yes below is meh but i m nt self obssed guys !!

The topic i suggested for my blog All about love !! coz i m kinda romanticc guys i like the whole love thing and its exprince its so awesome to fall in love guys i cnt express it . so u will find lot of stuff about love and other things too pls write up ur comments if u lyk anything till then keep bloging cya !!
